Sunday, November 6, 2011

Three things I found most meaningful to me:
1. When Jobs mentions how he would take abnormal classes that struck his interest, an later they became a huge part of what made a Macintosh a Macintosh. This really showed me that doing what is interesting can often be more helpful that doing what is required. so in short, feed your imagination.
2. When he talks about getting fired from his own company, I remembered a quote from Harry Potter. Dumbledore says "happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the lights." This is similar in meaning. Jobs had lost everything he had worked for. Just by turning on the light, and bringing about new ideas, he was able to make yet another revolutionary company and find a wife.
3. the live each day as if it were your last is an old quote, and yet maybe one of the most wise. We never know when we will die; guessing is futile. I cannot put into words what it means to me. 

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