Monday, June 4, 2012

Marble sorter

So finally!!! we have finished our marble sorter...noted it was the only one finished with 100% accuracy. Here are some pictures of the beast:

and me:

and Jason:

an upper view:

and some ducks I saw today:

unfortunatly, I didnt get a picture of Michael with the here he is now

3.1.3 Basic Programing

We used the the computer program RoboPro create flowcharts that could control the actions of a system. Here is a screenshot of our first program

This simple program starts and stops the motor for designated periods of time

Our first program included all the basic commands and took us about 10 minutes to make. The little box that says "subprogram test" actually includes about 3 commands within it, allowing the work interface to stay clean and organized.

Our second system included a switch that could terminated the program upon activation. The system would loop for infinity until the open circuit was closed, allowing the program to end.